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    4. Příslušenství k Rackovým skříním

    HP Air Flow Optimization Kit

    Přidat do oblíbenýchHP Air Flow Optimization Kit
    Typ příslušenství:Sady nástrojů.

    Kód produktu316816
    Part numberBW930A
    EAN produktu4948382850744
    Záruka:36 Měsíc(ů)
    Výrobce:Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    Skladová dostupnost:Na dotaz
    Vaše cena bez DPH
    1706.61 Kč
    Vaše cena včetně DPH
    2065 Kč
    Dotaz na prodejce >

    Přidat produkt k porovnání >Přidat produkt k oblíbeným >
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    Introducing the new rack cooling solution for new and existing HP 10K and 10K G2 Racks to improve datacenter airflow and eliminate datacenter hot spots.

    It's getting harder to manage a data center efficiently, with rising utility bills and ever-increasing demands due to processor power and server density increases. Growing user requests mean heavier strain on servers and air conditioning units in the data center. For many companies, this puts data center costs and performance under the spotlight-making them essential factors for an efficient IT infrastructure. HP helps companies manage their data centers more effectively to decrease power and cooling costs. The HP Rack Airflow Optimization Kit is designed to seal air gaps inside the rack, in between two bayed racks and the clearance from the floor to the rack. The HP Rack Airflow Optimization Kit prevents hot exhaust air from the rear of the rack from reaching the front of the rack via pressure differential between the hot and cold aisles. This maximizes cold air intake from the servers, which improves datacenter cooling efficiency and reduces datacenter power usage. The HP Rack Airflow Optimization Kit is designed to support all HP 10000 Series (G1 and G2) rack heights including 22U, 36U, 42U, 47U. It also supports HP 800mm wide racks.

    Typ příslušenství: Sady nástrojů
    Aktuální cena produktu je2065Kč  s dph
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